Am I a good Laser Vein Reduction Candidate?
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Laser Vein Reduction Consultation
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Laser Vein Reduction in Newtown Square
If you struggle with port wine stains, noticeable birthmarks, or any other type of vascular lesion, contact KP Aesthetics. We are a leading provider of safe, effective Laser Vein Reduction in Newtown Square, PA, and the surrounding communities of Westchester and Glen Mills. Call us at 484-420-4094 to schedule a complimentary consultation to learn more about this treatment.
Benefits of Laser Vein Reduction at KP Aesthetics
- Laser energy used for 15+ years
- Safest and most effective laser
- Induces a natural healing process
- Removes visible capillaries, port wine stains, birthmarks, and more
- Treatments done in our luxury facility
What is a Vascular Lesion?
To fully understand how Laser Vein Reduction, or Vascular Laser Treatment, works, it helps to know what a vascular lesion is on the skin. These lesions are actually a relatively common abnormality of the skin and underlying tissues. They are also known as birthmarks. While some people think of a birthmark as a mole, that is not always the case. Some people suffer from port wine stains, which are technically a birthmark and a vascular lesion. There are three main types of vascular lesions: Vascular Malformations, Hemangiomas, and Pyogenic Granulomas.
What is a Laser Vein Reduction Treatment?
A pulsed dye laser is used to remove vascular lesions from the skin during treatment. This type of laser energy has been used for over 15 years, making it the safest and most effective way to remove these lesions. During Laser Vein Reduction, the lesions absorb the laser light’s energy until it heats up, causing coagulation. Eventually, the lesion absorbs enough light to begin a natural healing process, removing the lesion altogether.
Laser Vein Reduction Before and After*
The Laser Vein Reduction before and after pictures provide an excellent visual for the results possible with this procedure. While results may vary, each individual achieves noticeable improvements to the lesions in their skin.
How Does the Pulsed Dye Laser Work?
Pulsed dye laser or PDL was created to select blood vessels in a vascular lesion during treatments, leaving surrounding tissue unharmed. This type of laser is the safest for removing vascular lesions, and it is even safe enough for treating children. In addition, PDL includes a cooling device to protect the skin, ensuring optimal comfort.
What Can Laser Vein Reductions Treat?
- Rosacea
- Telangiectasia (Blood vessels causing thread-like lines on the skin.)
- Port-wine stains
- Hemangiomas
- Spider Veins
- Poikiloderma (Red color pigment caused by sun damage.)
What to Expect During Treatments?
During Laser Vein Reduction, the physician fits the patient with eye protection to keep the eyes safe during the session. The laser device passes over the area being treated. Patients feel a cooling sensation before the laser energy begins. This cooling helps keep the skin at a safe, comfortable temperature. In some cases, topical anesthesia is applied before treatments.
Risks and Side Effects
Just like other laser skin treatments, Laser Vein Reduction is safe. Some patients may experience some redness, swelling, or slight sensitivity afterward. These symptoms are normal and resolve themselves within a few days. As with any cosmetic treatment, results will vary.* If you are concerned about the chance for any risks or side effects, schedule a consultation with a reputable provider to discuss them before committing to treatment.
When Will I See Results?
Results are noticeable almost immediately following the laser treatment. Individual experiences may vary.* However, most people see results gradually as the skin becomes tighter and more firm.
Is Laser Vein Reduction Right For Me?
This treatment is ideal for anyone seeking the removal of skin redness or vascular lesions. To determine your treatment candidacy, schedule a consultation with a reputable provider like KP Aesthetics. During your consultation, you can speak with a knowledgeable specialist about this laser treatment. They evaluate your skin and the concern in question and determine if this cosmetic treatment is right.
How Many Treatments Do I Need?
The number of treatments in your plan depends on the condition and the severity of the condition you are treating. During your complimentary consultation, your specialist creates a plan with enough treatments to help you achieve optimal results.
Laser Vein Reduction Cost
Laser Vein Reduction cost varies.* The best way to get your personal cost is by scheduling a consultation. Your specialist creates a treatment plan to achieve optimal skin results at an affordable price.
Laser Vein Reduction Near Me
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Laser Vein Reduction Consultation
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**Results may vary. We are reputable for complete customer satisfaction for completed treatments. Before and after images reflect real results from real patients, although individual results may vary. No treatment is promised to provide permanent results. A guarantee is neither provided nor implied. Statements estimating treatment duration and the number of treatments required are based on the typical experience of our patients, however, individual experiences may vary.

Am I a good Laser Vein Reduction Candidate?
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Laser Vein Reduction Consultation
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