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ColdSculpt | Freeze Fat Cells
ColdSculpt, technically known as CoolSculpting, is a treatment that reduces stubborn bulges of fat from problem areas such as the abdomen, back, or thigh area. This procedure is entirely non-invasive. It provides you a safe, effective way to reduce unattractive bulges, turning them into attractive curves. Best of all, the ColdSculpt results you achieve are natural-looking and long-lasting.
Why People Choose ColdSculpt CoolSculpting
- Proven effective and safe for men and women
- A great alternative to invasive surgery
- Natural-looking results
- Sculpt a more curvaceous body
- Minimal to no downtime required
- Treatments that last just 35-minute
- #1 fat reduction procedure on the market
How Does ColdSculpt CoolSculpting Work?
When a stubborn bulge of fat is Cold Sculpted, the skin withstands the freezing temperatures while the fat cells become brittle or hard. The fat cells freeze, resulting in the rupture of the cell’s membrane. When the membrane cracks, the cell will no longer store fat as usual. The cell becomes useless, dies, and processes out of the body.
Each ColdSculpt treatment uses a proprietary applicator. The applicators come in various sizes and work to isolate the bulges of fat and expose them to the fat freezing technology that destroys them. The applicator used during your treatment depends on your body and targeted outcome. Your technician will determine which applicator is best for you and give you the most transformative ColdSculpt results.
ColdSculpt for Long Term Fat Reduction
Fat reduction treatments are commonly confused with weight loss treatments. But the two are very different. During weight loss, fat cells shrink. Those cells suffer no damage, and the fat can expand again if the person regains the weight they lost.
When you ColdSculpt your fat cells, you eradicate the cell. This fat freezing treatment helps you reduce the number of fat cells in the body. Once the cells are eliminated, they cannot grow back or re-expand. The cells are gone for good. Therefore, the fat reduction from ColdSculpting is long-lasting.
CoolSculpt Treatment Areas
ColdSculpt a Skinnier You
Please do not waste your time by shrinking your fat cells when you can ColdSculpt them and eliminate those unattractive fat bulges. To learn more, contact KP Aesthetics. We are the leading provider of CoolSculpting in Newtown Square and proud to serve the surrounding communities of Westchester and Glen Mills. You can call us at (484)-420-4094 to schedule your complimentary consultation.
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Am I a Coolsculpting candidate?

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