CoolSculpting Neck Fat | Freeze Away Turkey Neck

CoolSculpting Neck Fat
Freeze Away Turkey Neck Fat

CoolSculpting neck fat reduces the appearance of double chin and neck fat. Learn more about the non-surgical alternative to liposuction and discover if fat freezing is your solution for stubborn neck or chin fat.

What is CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting is a revolutionary fat reduction treatment that eliminates unwanted fat deposits without invasive surgery. This non-surgical procedure uses a proprietary applicator that exposes fat cells to a controlled cooling.

Cryolipolysis, the science behind CoolSculpting, effectively freezes the fat cells to death. Once the fat cells are frozen, they crystallize, and their membrane ruptures. The body then naturally collects the dead fat cells and expels them through the lymphatic system. Once the dead fat cells are removed, they can never grow back. CoolSculpting provides patients with long-term fat reduction.

CoolSculpting Treatment Areas

When CoolSculpting first hit the market, it was the first FDA-approved treatment to reduce stubborn fat using Cryolipolysis. It is most commonly known for eliminating fat deposits that accumulate in the belly and on the thighs. Propelled by its high safety profile and patient satisfaction, the makers of CoolSculpting created additional applicators that target new treatment areas.

The latest line of applicators helps treatment specialists reduce fat in more problematic areas like the neck and chin area. The CoolMini is uniquely designed and versatile enough to treat smaller pockets of fat. It was specifically made to target submental fullness or neck fat, jowls, turkey neck, and a double chin.

What Causes Submental Fullness?

CoolSculpting neck treatments are an appealing option for people who struggle with submental fullness or the appearance of a double chin and turkey neck. According to a survey performed by Allergan, one out of every two people admitted being bothered by the appearance of their neck and chin fat. Submental fullness is a problem area for many people as the fat deposits resist diet and exercise. Thankfully, CoolSculpting provides an easy, quick way to target and eliminate those stubborn fat cells.

Am I the Right CoolSculpting Neck Candidate?

CoolSculpting is not for everyone. The ideal CoolSculpting neck candidate is a healthy, active adult who struggles with fat buildup in the submental region. The best way to determine your treatment candidacy is by scheduling a complimentary consultation with KP Aesthetics.

During your visit, you can speak with a treatment specialist. If they determine CoolSculpting is right for your body and can eliminate submental fullness, they create a treatment plan that achieves your optimal aesthetic desires.

Related article: CoolSculpting Cost >>

CoolSculpting Turkey Neck Near Me

Stop struggling with embarrassing neck fat and chin fullness. Call KP Aesthetics at 484-420-4094 to schedule your free consultation or reach out to us online. We are a leading provider of CoolSculpting treatments in Newtown Square and the Philadelphia area.

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Stubborn Fat | Understanding Diet and Exercise Resistant Fat

Stubborn Fat | Understanding Diet and Exercise Resistant Fat

Eliminating stubborn fat is not as simple as people think. It can be challenging to shed weight because our bodies are complex. There are several factors at play beyond “calories in, calories out.” Gender, genetics, and even hormones influence how and where our body collects weight. These factors also dictate how the body responds to diet and exercise.

Read on to understand stubborn fat better and learn how to eliminate those persistent fat cells for good with CoolSculpting.

The Biology of Body Shape

Genetics, gender, and hormones determine the number of fat cells in the body and where that stubborn fat tends to collect. Once we reach adulthood, the number of fat cells and their placement becomes fixed. Lifestyle factors like clean eating and a regular workout routine can influence how much fat is stored in those cells, but they cannot change the number of fat cells.

The body distributes more fat cells to the lower body for some women, mainly the lower stomach and thighs. This fat distribution helps prepare the female body for pregnancy.

For men, the body distributes more fat in the upper part of the body, like the chest, back, and belly. Not only does the body spread more fat to certain areas, but it also determines what fat cells resist diet and exercise.

Related article: CoolSculpting for men >>

The Physiology of Stubborn Fat

Fat cells have two receptors, Alpha-2 and Beta-2. The Alpha-2 receptors tell cells to store fat for later use. The Beta-2 tells them to break down and release fat for immediate use. Fat cells either have more Alpha-2 or Beta-2 receptors. If the fat cell has more Alpha-2 receptors, it will resist diet and exercise. If it has more Beta-2, it will respond more efficiently to diet and exercise by burning fat faster.

Related article: Cold Sculpt to reduce stubborn fat >>

Unfortunately, the body areas with greater fat cell distribution tend to have fat cells with more Alpha-2 receptors. For these people, their body stores more fat cells in the stomach. These fat cells are predisposed to resist diet and exercise, making them manually harder to eliminate.

CoolSculpting Fat Reduction for Stubborn Bulges

Fat reduction treatments exist to make eliminating stubborn fat possible for people struggling to lose weight. CoolSculpting offers a safe, effective way to reduce fat deposits in problem areas like the lower abdomen and inner thighs.

Fat reduction treatments, like liposuction or CoolSculpting,  do not make the fat cells release fat. Instead, they remove the fat cells from the body. The procedure reduces the number of fat cells, leading to a drastic and noticeably more lean, slim physique.

Stubborn Fat Reduction Treatments Near Me

If you live in the Newtown Square area and want to learn more about the non-invasive fat reduction treatment CoolSculpting, contact KP Aesthetics. We provide patients easy treatments that eliminate stubborn fat deposits revealing a sexy, contoured body. Call us at 484-420-4094 to schedule a complimentary consultation to learn more or reach out to us online.

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CoolSculpting Your Stomach and Abdomen

CoolSculpting Your Stomach and Abdomen

Belly fat, commonly known as a stomach pouch or potbelly, is a notorious problem for millions of people. Fat naturally accumulates in the lower stomach, and it can become resistant to diet and exercise. The truth is that lower abdomen fat has many causes, including gender, age, genetics, hormones, and even certain medical illnesses or conditions. Fortunately, when your best efforts to get rid of belly fat fail, professional fat reduction treatments can help. 

Read on to learn more about CoolSculpting stomach treatments and how freezing fat can reduce stubborn belly fat.

The Little-Known Causes of Belly Fat

For men, the lower stomach is the body’s default area for storing excess fat. For women, estrogen directs the body to deposit fat in the thighs, buttocks, and hips. As women age, estrogen levels drop, causing fat to accumulate towards the lower abdomen.

Gender and hormones also affect belly fat, as does age. The metabolism begins to decline as we get older, causing the body to use up fewer calories. A slower metabolism means fat easily stores and builds up in areas like the belly.

Belly Fat Solutions

Diet and exercise are a fundamental part of maintaining and controlling weight gain. However, they are not always enough to eliminate belly fat. Many men and women seek out professional solutions to reduce stubborn bulges of fat in the stomach.

Liposuction has always been one of the best belly fat reduction options. This surgical procedure does, however, come with many drawbacks. Thankfully for those individuals who want to avoid surgery, scalpels, anesthesia, and a long recovery, there are non-invasive belly fat solutions.

CoolSculpting Belly Fat | The Non-Surgical Solution

CoolSculpting is the most popular non-invasive fat reduction treatment available. FDA cleared as safe and effective, CoolSculpting eliminates stubborn fat deposits in the stomach. This fat reduction method utilizes controlled cooling to freeze fat cells, causing them to die. Once the fat cells die, they process out of the body as a form of waste. CoolSculpting provides men and women with lasting fat reduction because once the fat cells are gone, they can never regrow.

Am I A Good CoolSculpting Belly Candidate?

Unfortunately, CoolSculpting treatments are not for everyone. The best CoolSculpting stomach candidate will be a healthy adult that follows a diet and exercise routine but still struggles with resistant belly fat. The best way to determine if you are the right CoolSculpting candidate is by scheduling a complimentary consultation. Your free consultation allows you the opportunity to speak one-on-one with a treatment specialist. Our specialists evaluate your body during the visit to determine if fat-freezing belly fat is the right treatment for you.

CoolSculpting Stomach Near Philadelphia

If you want to learn how to get rid of belly fat without surgery, contact KP Aesthetics. We are a leading provider of CoolSculpting treatments in Newtown Square and the Philadelphia area. Call us at 484-420-4094 to schedule your free consultation or reach out to us online.

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CoolSculpting Applicators | Customized Fat Reduction

CoolSculpting Applicators | Customized Fat Reduction

CoolSculpting reshaped the fat reduction business in 2010. The fat-freezing procedure provides a non-invasive alternative to resistant fat, accomplished without surgery and minimal to little downtime. CoolSculpting has only gotten better since 2010, with the launch of the CoolAdvantage range of CoolSculpting applicators. The protection and effectiveness of cooling away fat have improved much more with the addition of these seven recent well-regarded CoolSculpting applicators.

CoolSculpting Applicators | The CoolAdvantage Collection

Each one of the new CoolSculpting applicators provides distinct advantages for eradicating stubborn fat. The innovative and updated applicators freeze fat more efficiently for better results. They are also more commercially competitive, which in turn reduces CoolSculpting costs.

These state-of-the-art applicators are safer and less disruptive than the original applicators, leading to reduced post-treatment discomfort. Also, they freeze fat quicker, with most treatment periods as short as 35 minutes.

The CoolAdvantage Collection includes:

  • CoolMini™
  • CoolCurve Advantage™ PLUS
  • CoolCurve+ Advantage™
  • CoolPetite Advantage™
  • CoolFit Advantage™
  • CoolCore Advantage™ PLUS applicators

Related article: CoolSculpting Treatment Areas >>

CoolSculpting Applicators | In-Depth Look at the CoolAdvantage Line

CoolMini™ Applicator

The strong and adept CoolMini applicator helps vanquish double chins and neck fat, also known as submental fullness. While being one of the smallest in the line, the CoolMini produces excellent performance.

CoolCurve Advantage Plus™  

The great thing about the CoolCurve Advantage Plus™ applicator is how good it is at toning and modeling body sections that are curved. Treatment areas include back rolls and love handles. Not only is the process extremely successful, but it is also cost-efficient. Furthermore, there is less inflammation and post-treatment pain.

CoolFit Advantage™

The CoolFit Advantage™ applicator effectively eliminates fat deposits. Bulging fat cells located in parts of the inner thighs – such as the upper and bottom sections – are effectively frozen. Patients report greater convenience and reliability than with previous therapies, surgery, and other methods.

CoolPetite Advantage™

Upper arm fat is a common issue that the CoolPetite Advantage™ applicator can assist with. Zeltiq’s newest applicator is explicitly built to treat fat in the upper arms, ankles, back of the thighs, and other regions.

CoolCore Advantage™

The majority of us have problems with abdominal fat. Fortunately, the groundbreaking and modern CoolCore Advantage™ applicator will assist in the reduction of excessive belly fat and stomach fat. The CoolCore Advantage™ is one of the most successful applicators. Each session lasts 35 minutes.

CoolSculpting Provider Near Me

The innovative Coolsculpting applicators of today deliver excellent fat reduction outcomes.  So, schedule a free appointment with KP Aesthetics to hear more about this popular fat-freezing procedure and the new line of applicators. Our professional, certified Coolsculpting technicians will discuss more with you about this latest line of applicators. They’ll explain how they each help lower treatment expenses and make the treatment process more pleasant. Call us at 484-420-4094 to book yours right away.

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Coolsculpting – Precise and Quick Fat Reduction

Coolsculpting - Precise and Quick Fat Reduction

We all wish we could just shed our excess fat like a winter coat and show off our toned and fit figure hidden underneath. Although we can’t ditch our body fat like a poorly fitting piece of clothing, there is a quick and easy way to precisely reduce those stubborn pockets of fat: CoolSculpting.*

CoolSculpting is an advanced and highly effective fat-reduction procedure that uses extreme cold to eliminate fat. The applicator that delivers the cold provides precise fat targeting but also ensures that all surrounding tissue remains free from harm. Because the process is so gentle on the body, there is virtually no recovery time following the treatment.*

KP Aesthetics strives to offer safe and effective treatments. CoolSculpting provides precise and effective fat reduction in a safe manner that will leave your body looking slim and sexy.* Contact our office to schedule a consultation.

*Individual results may vary.

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