CoolSculpting Chin vs. Chin Lipo: The Pros and Cons

a beautiful woman smiling while holding her chin
a beautiful woman smiling while holding her chin

CoolSculpting Chin vs. Chin Lipo: The Pros and Cons

Are you looking to get more definition or reduce stubborn fat under your chin? CoolSculpting and chin liposuction are popular options for getting the facial profile you want. Let’s explore how CoolSculpting chin treatments and liposuction differ and the pros and cons to consider when deciding between them.

What Is CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting has primarily treated areas like the chest, abdomen, and thighs for years. But recently, it’s become popular for treating the chin as well. It is an FDA-cleared non-invasive procedure that freezes fat cells in the chin and neck area. Once the fat cells freeze, they can’t store more energy or nutrients. As a result, they eventually die and come out of the body via natural metabolic processes. As these fat cells leave the body, patients observe a gradual reduction of fat.

CoolSculpting’s process involves placing a cooling panel on the skin. The targeted cooling freezes and eliminates stubborn fat in the chin without damaging surrounding tissues. Enjoy youthful-looking contours without invasive surgery. Sit back, relax, and let the machine do its thing.

CoolSculpting Chin Before and After: What Are Results Like?*

The results of your CoolSculpting chin treatment will gradually appear over several weeks as your body eliminates the dead fat cells. Most patients see noticeable results within two to three months after their final treatment session.

As with any cosmetic treatment, personal results differ.* But as you can see in our patients’ before and after photos, people enjoy a more contoured, defined jawline. Double chins become less prominent or no longer visible, depending on the patient’s original condition. Men and women report feeling more confident after getting CoolSculpting chin treatments.

Keep in mind that CoolSculpting is a technique-sensitive treatment. Picking a reputable provider like KP Aesthetics will ensure a positive experience. We deliver unmatched, attractive results that last for months to come.

Pros of CoolSculpting

Cons of CoolSculpting

Read CoolSculpting reviews from previous clients>>

How Does Chin Lipo Differ from CoolSculpting?

Liposuction is a surgical procedure that removes fat with a suctioning tool. Most people prefer CoolSculpting if they’re a good fit because it’s non-invasive. However, unlike CoolSculpting, which involves minimal downtime, lipo patients must endure a lengthy recovery after the surgery. They also risk getting permanent scars in the incision areas.

Since CoolSculpting doesn’t require incisions or anesthesia, the discomfort level is much more tolerable than lipo. The treatment isn’t painful. You feel a cooling sensation during the treatment. After, you may experience mild redness, numbness, and swelling. But these side effects subside over a few days without interference.

In contrast, liposuction surgery comes with more significant risks (as with any surgical procedure). During recovery, patients can experience infection, inflammation, or other complications that come with incisions.

Pros of Chin Lipo

Cons of Chin Lipo

Is CoolSculpting or Lipo More Effective for a Double Chin?

Generally, the chin has smaller pockets of fat than the rest of the body. CoolSculpting works well to remove these small amounts of fat, while liposuction is suitable for removing larger fat tissues. However, keep in mind that liposuction has more potential complications and side effects because it’s an invasive procedure.

CoolSculpting is FDA-cleared for skin tightening and reducing the subcutaneous fat cells in the submental region (chin, neck, and jowls). This treatment may be a good solution if you’re looking to tighten up and get a more defined facial profile. Liposuction is effective for fat loss but doesn’t tighten excess or saggy skin like CoolSculpting.

Should I Get CoolSculpting or Chin Liposuction?

Before choosing whether to use CoolSculpting chin treatments or liposuction, you must understand the difference between the two procedures. Both treatments reduce fat deposits in the submental region, but they differ in their approach and results.

CoolSculpting is a non-invasive procedure that targets fat with cooling technology instead of surgery. It banishes stubborn fat localized to the treatment site, which means the surrounding nerves and skin cells remain unharmed. You’ll experience some discomfort at most, but it shouldn’t be intolerable. Resume your daily activities after your session.

Liposuction may deliver better results if you’re after a drastic and instant transformation. But due to its non-surgical nature, CoolSculpting is ideal for people who want to reduce embarrassing double chins and neck fat without surgery, complications, scarring, or infections. While CoolSculpting results may not be as drastic, you can achieve remarkable improvement with several treatments.

How Many CoolSculpting Sessions Does My Chin Need?

Most patients see fat reduction and skin tightening in the submental area after two CoolSculpting chin sessions. Three to five treatments will produce a more impressive result. Each patient is different, and your treatment plan will depend on your goals. Consult a professional to find the precise number of CoolSculpting sessions you need.

Compared to chin lipo, CoolSculpting may require more commitment depending on how many treatments your provider says you need. Lipo is a one-and-done deal but comes with a challenging recovery period. The lack of downtime makes CoolSculpting a more attractive option.

How Long Are CoolSculpting Chin Sessions?

CoolSculpting chin sessions take only around 35 minutes. But the actual time varies depending on your treatment plan.

Before CoolSculpting, consult with KP Aesthetics to determine the best course of action for your cosmetic goals. We’ll assess your facial anatomy and the amount of chin fat you have. From there, we can establish an effective treatment plan, and you’ll get a better idea of the time commitment.

What Does a CoolSculpting Chin Treatment Involve?

CoolSculpting can work wonders in reducing a double chin and contouring the jawline.

Here’s what you can expect if you choose CoolSculpting with KP Aesthetics:

1. Consultation

Before your CoolSculpting chin treatment, you’ll have a consultation with one of our skilled specialists. Fill us in on your goals and expectations. If you’re a good candidate for CoolSculpting, we’ll craft a treatment plan based on your needs and circumstances. This plan will outline the treatment areas and the number of sessions needed to achieve your desired results.

2. Treatment

On the treatment day(s), one of our specialists will place the CoolSculpting applicator on the treatment area(s). During the cooling process, you’ll feel a suction sensation as the applicator draws the skin and fat into the device. Then, your skin will feel cool as your fat cells freeze to death.

During the treatment, you can relax and nap. Some patients may experience slight discomfort or numbness in the treated area. This isn’t a cause for concern and should subside within a few minutes.

3. Massage

After completing the cooling cycle, we’ll remove the applicator and gently massage the treated area. This helps break up the frozen fat cells and increase blood flow to the area.

4. Repeat Sessions

Depending on your treatment plan, you may need more than one session to achieve your desired results. We’ll discuss the recommended number of sessions during your consultation and schedule them accordingly.

When Will the Swelling Subside After CoolSculpting?

Mild swelling in the treated areas is normal after a CoolSculpting session. This happens because the suction pulls the tissue into the applicator for maximum contact during the treatment. Meanwhile, the cooling process targets and freezes fat cells under the skin’s surface. In general, the swelling should subside within a week.

Should I Massage My Chin After CoolSculpting?

Experts suggest that massaging the chin after CoolSculpting has benefits [1]. For instance, it can help facilitate the removal of dead fat cells from the body. This may lead to a more noticeable chin fat reduction.

Massaging the chin can also increase blood flow there, which can speed up the healing process and reduce swelling and bruising. By promoting blood flow, massaging delivers essential nutrients and oxygen to the chin.

While massaging isn’t necessary for success with CoolSculpting, it can help. If you decide to massage your chin after the treatment, make sure not to apply too much pressure or rub aggressively. Doing so can cause further irritation.

How Do I Care for My Chin After CoolSculpting?

Caring for your chin after CoolSculpting is easy, which is why so many people love this treatment. We will walk you through how to ensure a smooth recovery and optimal results. For example, you’ll need to maintain a healthy lifestyle to prevent the remaining fat cells from expanding. Drinking plenty of water will help flush out the dead fat cells.

Who Is a Good Candidate for CoolSculpting Chin Treatments?

One of CoolSculpting’s pros is it’s safe and effective for most people.

Here are some characteristics of a good candidate for CoolSculpting chin treatments:

  •  You have excess fat under the chin that you can’t reduce through lifestyle changes alone.
  •  Your skin is elastic (CoolSculpting eliminates fat, but doesn’t firm up loose or sagging skin).
  •  You’re in good overall health and don’t have medical conditions that could affect the healing process.
  •  You have realistic expectations and understand it’s not a weight loss solution.
  •  You’re committed to maintaining your results with a healthy lifestyle and touch-up treatments.

Is CoolSculpting Painful?

Unlike liposuction, which requires extensive pain management post-procedure, you can expect little to no pain from CoolSculpting chin treatments. After your session, you may experience slight discomfort and sensitivity in the treatment area. But this is normal and will disappear after a day or two.

Does Chin Fat Come Back After CoolSculpting?

You can get new chin fat cells again after getting rid of it, regardless of if you choose CoolSculpting or liposuction. The key to prolonging the results is proper maintenance.

After CoolSculpting chin treatments, the existing fat cells that die won’t come back. But to reap the best long-term benefits, we recommend patients follow a clean diet and stay active. New fat cells can manifest—but with a healthy lifestyle, you can enjoy long-lasting CoolSculpting benefits.

What Are CoolSculpting vs. Chin Lipo Costs Like?

The precise cost of either treatment depends on various factors. CoolSculpting typically requires multiple sessions, but liposuction aims to eliminate all the fat at once. CoolSculpting’s price varies depending on the clinic and your cosmetic goals. Find out how much CoolSculpting will be for you by visiting a reputable provider like KP Aesthetics. A skilled specialist will assess your chin and create an appropriate treatment plan.

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, liposuction costs an average of over $3,500. This doesn’t include the cost of anesthesia and other potential post-op expenses.

CoolSculpting Chin Treatments in Newtown Square, PA

If you’re leaning toward the non-invasive approach to treating your double chin, visit KP Aesthetics for CoolSculpting. We are the leading provider of CoolSculpting chin treatments in Philadelphia, PA. People in Westchester and the Glen Mills areas visit us for their cosmetic procedures. Get a snatched jawline by calling 484-420-4094 to schedule a free consultation.

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1 Cryolipolysis For Noninvasive Body Contouring
2 Safety, Tolerance, And Patient Satisfaction With Noninvasive Cryolipolysis.
3 Long-term efficacy follow-up on two cryolipolysis case studies: 6 and 9 years post-treatment
4 Liposuction | American Society of Plastic Surgery

Enhanced clinical outcome with manual massage following cryolipolysis treatment: A 4-month study of safety and efficacy, published in National Library of Medicine, Link

Kimberly Costalas, RN at KP Aesthetics.

Kimberly Costalas, RN

Nurse Injector for Cosmetic Medicine and Certified Coolsculpting Specialist
Kim has over 10 years of patient care experience and has been performing aesthetic services since 2011. She trained with the American Academy of Facial Esthetics and has had many private, one-on-one sessions and instruction from Merz Pharmaceutical. She has had extensive, individual training by Zeltiq (the maker of CoolSculpting) representatives and attended CoolSculpting University for further instruction.

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CoolSculpting vs. Kybella: Cost, Results & Expectations

CoolSculpting chin
CoolSculpting chin

CoolSculpting vs. Kybella

As fantastic as it would be, you sadly cannot target and “spot reduce” any fat bulge on the body. Whether you struggle with chin fat, belly fat, or some other area that makes you self-conscious, there is no way to do a particular exercise and eliminate those fat cells. You can do an unlimited number of crunches, and it may strengthen your abdominals, but it will not specifically burn away belly fat. Just like any exercises claiming to help double chins

Fat in the chin and neck is seemingly diet and exercise-resistant, making it hard to lose. Thankfully, with the revolutionary technologies available, both Kybella and CoolSculpting can help people target and eliminate stubborn fat in their jowls.

While both treatments help with submental fullness, they achieve their transformative results in very different ways. One uses precise cooling technology to freeze fat away, while the other injects naturally occurring Deoxycholic acid to destroy fat cells. Read on to learn more about these body contouring treatments and how they can help you eliminate chin and neck fat.

Kybella Double Chin

Most people believe double chins are the result of unhealthy lifestyle choices. They are, however, wrong to think this. Unwanted fat in the chin and neck is influenced by genetics, gender, hormones, and even age. According to polls, 2 out of 3 American adults struggle with embarrassing double chins.

Unlike CoolSculpting, Kybella is FDA-approved for and focuses on, one area: Under the chin. Kybella comes in the form of an injection, targeting what’s known as submental fullness. If you’re struggling with a double chin that seems impossible to get rid of, Kybella injections are a popular solution. Deoxycholic acid is natural, and injecting it within the submental area has been found to safely offer dramatic results.

Jowls are prone to stubborn fat pockets, but Kybella can help break them down so that you can restore your confidence and feel great in your skin once again.

Fun fact: While the United States providers are currently only using Kybella for double chins, specialists in Europe are finding that more areas can be treated, including around the elbow, upper arms, knees, and stomach.

Can Kybella Work After One Treatment?

Yes! Many patients see phenomenal results after just one Kybella treatment, although others choose to continue treatment until they reach their goals

Part of what determines how many sessions you need to reach optimal results is the reason for your submental fullness:

  • One to two treatments for fullness due to poor posture or sagging skin
  • Three to four treatments if fullness is from mild to moderate excess fat
  • Five to six treatments for fullness due to more severe unwanted fat

One of the most enticing parts about Kybella injections is how long they last. If you lead a healthy lifestyle, Kybella’s results can be seen forever.

Kybella Before and After*

Seeing firsthand the types of results you can expect can help determine whether a treatment is right for you. That’s why we ask our patients to help by sharing their before and after images with you.

Angle of face after kybella injections
Woman's kybella injection results.

Kybella Cost

The cost of Kybella can vary depending on many factors, including the location of your services. However, looking at average cost, most patients spend an average of $1,200 to $1,800 per session, often scheduling three sessions for optimal results. To find out what you would individually pay, feel free to schedule an appointment with our specialists.

We offer complimentary, no-pressure meetings for you to freely discuss your goals. If you choose to move forward with treatment, we are here to help ensure your comfort, peace of mind, and happiness with results. Plus, we’ll be able to provide you with transparent pricing upfront and share a custom treatment plan with you before scheduling your appointment.

CoolSculpting Chin

CoolSculpting first hit the market in 2010, showing how phenomenal Cryolipolysis is at reducing fat cells. CoolSculpting Elite, the revolutionary sister treatment of the original CoolSculpting, is taking the industry by storm. Since its origin, there have been numerous new CoolSculpting Elite applicators available to help Cold Sculpt various areas of the body.

The CoolMini is one of the newest applicators. It is made specifically to treat small, isolated pockets of fat that are hard to reach. The CoolMini fits perfectly under the chin and on the neck area to reduce submental fullness.

Besides the chin, many patients add other areas to their CoolSculpting treatment, including:

Check out some CoolSculpting before and after images for these areas. CoolSculpting Elite is taking Cryolipolysis to another level. It features all-new technology, a new machine, re-engineered applicators, larger cooling panels, and the use of two applicators at the same time.

The new treatment is also capable of treating 9 different body areas from head to knee. Each advancement makes it possible for CoolSculpting Elite to improve fat reduction and comfortability for each patient. With so many advantages, CoolSculpting Elite is dominating the body contouring industry.

How Long Does CoolSculpting Under the Chin Last?

You might have seen before that CoolSculpting claims to have indefinitely long-lasting results. That is true, to an extent. Our bodies typically stop producing fat cells around the age of 25.

That means that the Cryolipolysis technology eliminates a percentage of fat cells, and those fat cells will not return. However, it’s still important that you maintain a healthy, active lifestyle. CoolSculpting Elite typically reduces fat by up to 25% in the treatment area. Remaining fat cells in the area can still become excess fat if you don’t take the steps to avoid future weight gain. Taking the necessary steps to hydrate and nourish your body while also keeping your body moving will help ensure that your results last for years to come. Plus, you’re welcome to schedule additional maintenance appointments in the future, to continue improving your side profile.

CoolSculpting Chin Before and After*

CoolSculpting chin before and after images showcase how fantastic freezing fat cells can eliminate chin fat. Not just double chins, but treatments allow address turkey necks by reducing neck fat.

Woman's chin before and after coolsculpting treatment.
Woman's chin before and after coolsculpting treatment.

Many patients have found that CoolSculpting chin is preferable to liposuction, which is a far more invasive way to reduce submental fullness.

CoolSculpting Elite Cost

Since each treatment session is custom to the patient, it can be challenging to give exact pricing. Pricing depends on the areas you want to treat, the condition of your body, and the goals you want to reach. Remember that results can take up to four months to show when using CoolSculpting Elite.

Patients tend to schedule anywhere from one to three CoolSculpting Elite sessions, spread apart enough to maximize results. A general price range is anywhere between $1,200 and $4,000 per session, but this varies.

The best way to find out your individual cost is by scheduling a complimentary consultation with the provider you intend to move forward with. This meeting time gives you ample opportunity to ask questions, have specialists address your concerns, and decide which treatment will be best for you.

Like Kybella, there are many different factors that are taken into consideration, which we’ve broken down to help you understand CoolSculpting Elite cost. A reputable provider will be more than willing to inform you of the reasonings behind the cost and be willing to work with your timeline.

CoolSculpting and Kybella Near Me: Double Chin Removal in Philly

The professional performing body contouring treatments significantly impacts the experience and your fat reduction results. When searching through providers, look for recent client testimonials and patient reviews. Before and after pictures from past clients are another great resource for finding the best provider.

The best way to get an authentic feel for a provider is by scheduling a complimentary consultation. Browsing the internet only provides so much information. An actual visit to the facility you’re interested in working with gives you a chance to experience the surroundings and speak to the staff members personally.

If you want to learn more about CoolSculpting chin or Kybella injections in Philadelphia, contact KP Aesthetics. You can schedule a free consultation with one of our highly trained treatment specialists at our Newtown Square office.

During your consultation, our specialists can help determine if CoolSculpting or Kybella is right for you. If they deem either option the right fat reduction method for you, a personalized plan is created to fit your needs and budget. Call us at 484-420-4094.

*As with any cosmetic procedure, results may vary.

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