What is CoolSculpting? Treatment Areas, FAQs, & More
As the popularity of fat freezing increases, many people want to know more about the newest addition to treatments. What is CoolSculpting Elite? What makes it different? Learn everything you need to know about the NEW fat freezing treatment and how it makes non-surgical fat reduction even more effective.
How Does CoolSculpting Work?
When a stubborn bulge of fat is CoolSculpted, the skin withstands the freezing temperatures while the fat cells become brittle or hard. The fat cells freeze, resulting in the rupture of the cell’s membrane. When the membrane cracks, the cell will no longer store fat as usual. The cell becomes useless, dies, and processes out of the body.
Each CoolSculpting treatment uses a proprietary applicator. The applicators come in various sizes and work to isolate the bulges of fat and expose them to the fat freezing technology that destroys them. The applicator used during your treatment depends on your body and targeted outcome. Your technician will determine which applicator is best for you and give you the most transformative results.
Benefits of CoolSculpting
- Proven effective and safe for men and women
- A great alternative to invasive surgery
- Natural-looking results
- Sculpt a more curvaceous body
- Minimal to no downtime required
- Treatments that last just 35-minute
- #1 fat reduction procedure on the market
The Original CoolSculpting Treatment
The original fat freezing treatment involves technicians placing an applicator onto a stubborn fat bulge. The applicator suctions the skin up into the applicator’s cooling plates when the machine activates. The bulge of fat is then exposed to a precise, calibrated cooling.
The cold temperature “freezes” the underlying fat without harming the skin or surrounding tissues. When the fat cells freeze, the cell membrane ruptures, causing it to die. After the cooling sessions, the body naturally processes the dead fat cells from the body. Once those cells exit the body, they never return or regrow. CoolSculpting provides a way to achieve long-term fat reduction without pain or surgery.
What is CoolSculpting Elite Able to Do Differently?
CoolSculpting Elite compared to CoolSculpting features many improvements. It has re-engineered applicators capable of burning twice the amount of fat in less time. It also makes treatments more comfortable, effective, and provides shorter cooling sessions.
CoolSculpting Elite takes the basic idea of the original fat reduction treatment and enhances it. In addition, the new machine and applicators offer advantages the original treatment does not.
The first CoolSculpting machine only permitted the use of one applicator per treatment. CoolSculpting Elite allows the use of two applicators during a single session. The new machine essentially enables technicians to double the fat reduction in less time.
The new applicators are also entirely re-engineered. They possess a new innovative C-shape design. This design complements the body’s natural curve for a better fit in each treatment area. The applicators enhance efficacy and improve comfortability during cooling cycles.
Moreover, the cooling panels of the new CoolSculpting Elite are 18% larger than the original applicators. The new size increases the amount of frozen fat during a single treatment.
CoolSculpting Elite Treatment Areas
The new technology of CoolSculpting Elite makes it the only non-invasive treatment for targeting nine areas on the body.
Treatment areas include:
- Abdomen
- Turkey Neck
- Love handles or flanks
- Inner and outer thighs
- Back fat
- Upper arms
- Chin
- Armpits
- Banana Rolls
The lower stomach is one of the most problematic areas in the body. This is because the abdomen tends to hold onto fat, making it extremely hard to lose weight despite a healthy diet and exercise routine. If you are struggling with stubborn fat bulges in the abdomen, CoolSculpting can help. This treatment will freeze those stubborn fat cells and help you achieve a smooth, firm lower stomach. Treating the core typically requires the use of one large applicator or two small applicators, and in some cases, a combination of both. The applicator use will depend on your body size and shape. During your free CoolSculpting consultation with KP Aesthetics, your treatment specialist can help determine the number and size of applicators your treatment will require.
Love Handles/ Banana Rolls
Love handles, or flanks, are a common CoolSculpting treatment area. This area tends to be the place where unwanted fat cells quickly gather. Treating the flanks is a mirror area treatment (your right and left love handle, at once) and will require two separate CoolSculpting cycles. Only one CoolSculpting machine can be used at a time. Fortunately, Cool Aesthetics offers dual sculpting, the use of two CoolSculpting devices at once, perfect for treating both flanks at the same time.
Double Chin
The newest applicator in the CoolSculpting family, the CoolMini, is used to treat the double chin and neck area. This applicator was made to treat small areas of fat, such as the double chin, neck fat, and armpit fat. To achieve the most significant fat reduction in these areas, you will require 1 to 2 treatments.
The thighs, typically the inner thighs, is an area that stores extra fat easily. It is no surprise that the thighs are a problem area for many. The latest line of CoolSculpting applicators was made to target and treat the thighs. The CoolFit applicator has an extended cooling plate perfect for treating vertical fat deposits in the inner thighs. The second applicator, the CoolSmooth, is flat and requires no suction. “Saddlebags,” or outer thigh fat, collect what is known as “hard fat.” This means that the fat in this area is not pinchable like the inner fat
Coolsculpting Risks and Side Effects
CoolSculpting risk is low and side effects are rare. The high safety profile of this treatment, is due, in part to the sophisticated technology of this non-invasive procedure. However, most patients experience symptoms associated with the immune response triggered by destroying fat cells. This immune response may include swelling, redness, tenderness, or bruising. These symptoms are mild, temporary, and isolated to the treatment site.
CoolSculpting’s Safety Record
CoolSculpting risk and chances of side effects are low. This has been proven several times in academic literature. For example, a clinical evaluation, published in the journal of Dermatological Surgery, found “[CoolSculpting] is a safe, well-tolerated, and effective treatment method for reduction of subcutaneous fat.” Another clinical studyⁱ confirmed these findings saying, “[CoolSculpting] is considered to be both safe and efficient with a high patient satisfaction rate.”
Ensuring Safety
CoolSculpting has an incredible safety record, but some careful preparation and research beforehand will eliminate risk to your health and ensure an effective procedure.
Ensure your provider is certified. This research should start by ensuring that a provider has been certified by CoolSculpting. Alternative “fat freezing” machines have exploded onto the market, and some untrustworthy spas have purchased and implemented this technology. Exploring these options could be dangerous for patients, since CoolSculpting is the only FDA-approved fat freezing technology. There’s no guarantee that these operators have received solid training, and such machines can be a threat to patient health. With a certified provider found, it is worth your time to also ensure that they have a lot of experience with the procedure.
Choose an experienced provider. Medical spas with a longer history of offering the procedure will also have a skilled and practiced staff. CoolSculpting is a technique-intensive process, and the performance of the person giving the treatment has a direct impact on the quality of CoolSculpting results. If you ensure that your provider is certified and experienced, like they are at KP Aesthetics, your CoolSculpting experience will be free of risk and produce incredible results.
Am I a good candidate for CoolSculpting?
CoolSculpting is a treatment made for reducing fat on a healthy adult struggling with diet and exercise resistant fat cells. It is never used as a weight loss treatment or to cure obesity. If you question your treatment candidacy, you can schedule a free consultation with a provider to learn more.
Coolsculpting Frequently Asked Questions
Is CoolSculpting Expensive?
CoolSculpting prices vary per person. It is an affordable treatment, starting at around $750. There are many ways you can save money on a treatment plan.
Is CoolSculpting Permanent?
CoolSculpting is a long-lasting fat reduction method. Once the fat cells exit the body, they can never return or regrow. This results in long-term fat reduction as long as the patient doesn’t gain weight. Excessive weight gain obscures CoolSculpting results.
Does CoolSculpting Hurt?
CoolSculpting is virtually painless. It is a tolerable treatment that patients can enjoy. During the first few minutes of the machine activating, some patients feel a tugging sensation and an intense cooling. This dissipates as soon as the treatment area goes numb.
Can you DIY CoolSculpting?
No, DIY CoolSculpting does not work. It is dangerous. People using ice packs to mimic the cooling of CoolSculpting leave themselves at risk for thermal damage or frostbite. CoolSculpting should only ever be done by a licensed professional.
Is CoolSculpting Dangerous?
CoolSculpting is cleared by the FDA. It is also scientifically proven as safe and effective. Risks or side effects are infrequent. To secure safe treatments free from any adverse effects, you should select a licensed professional to perform your cooling sessions.
How cold does CoolSculpting get?
The CoolSculpting machines are calibrated for the optimum temperature for freezing fat cells. The CoolSculpting applicator chills a bulge to 4 degrees Celsius (39 to 41 degrees Fahrenheit) just above freezing. The overlying skin and surrounding tissues are not harmed during CoolSculpting treatments.
How does CoolSculpting compare to Liposuction?
Liposuction removes more fat than CoolSculpting, but Liposuction is an invasive procedure. It requires surgery, general anesthesia, and a lengthy recovery time. CoolSculpting is non-invasive. It is better for spot-reducing isolated bulges of fat. It is also ideal for people who want to reduce fat without surgery or lengthy downtime.
What is CoolSculpting Elite Doing For You?
Now that you know the answer to your question, What is CoolSculpting Elite? Your next question may be, “What is CoolSculpting Elite going to do for me?” The best way to learn more about CoolSculpting Elite and how it can change your body is by scheduling a FREE consultation with KP Aesthetics. As a premier provider of CoolSculpting Elite in the Philadelphia area, we provide patients with the newest CoolSculpting technology in our luxury facility. Call us at 484-420-4094 to schedule your consultation or reach out to us online.
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